Friday, July 26, 2019

July 14-25

Hi All,

We've done the finishing work on the teardrop and will be taking it out camping this weekend!  We got the teardrop shell mounted on the trailer, installed the doors, kitchen hatch, and vent, and are ready to roll.  We'll post pictures of the teardrop in action soon - keep checking back!


Pulling the trailer out so that we can mount the teardrop!

The kitchen is at a great height

View of the inside

Adding the rubber gasket to help seal the kitchen and keep it watertight

The kitchen hatch has foam tape around the edge where it will meet the gasket

Fitting the windows into the doors

Windows have been installed with sealant and drilled into the doors
Kitchen hatch has been installed!
The gas struts hold the hatch open 
Doors have been installed!

Our queen size mattress fits perfectly

Here's a view of the vent from the inside.  We haven't hooked it up to power yet.

A lock is installed to keep the hatch closed tight

Trying out our new canopy.  Bugs won't get in our kitchen, and rain won't get into the food!

Took the teardrop on a test drive